Here are a couple of pictures that Dale Mlasko just sent me. This is an ultra rare glob fifth, Marx and Jorgensen Wholesale Wine And Whiskey Merchants Portland, Oregon(t-112). There are only two examples known, and this is the stronger of the two examples.
Marx and Jorgensen were in business in Portland for quite a few years, but this embossed glob fifth was probably made and used for just a year or two in 1879-80 or so. A rare bird and certainly one of the top Oregon bottles.

WHOOEE! What a KILLER fifth!
ReplyDeleteThat is definitely a Western Classic. Everytime I see a picture of that bottle, the pattern makes me think of the Laurel Palace. These and the Suits are like the mold maker just got out a big crayon and went free-style in the mold !
I agree with AP. A wonderful, extremely rare, crude Western Classic. What more could anyone want in a bottle? It ranks with the top of the whiskeys.
Of course, we all know that digging is now outlawed on Orygun, so the chances of finding any "new" examples of this fantastic bottle are somewhere between slim and none. Perhaps one might show up from a "sleeper collection", though. After all, stranger things have happened.
ReplyDeleteAll of you old Oregon diggers might as well bury your shovels and probes. The "Diggin' Po-lice" is lookin' for y'all.
OldCutter.... It doesnt really surprise me from a state that even has a law that you cant even pump your own gas !!
ReplyDeleteLast trip to Cal, I sat in my car, and wondered where the gas filler upper guy was...oh yeah, not in Oregon! The Marx fifth is one I had been chasing since the late 1970s. It was in the Fred Greenfield collection soon after being dug, then in the Wendell Clodfelter collection, Anderson collection, then mine. I have a whacked example that was in an ash pit, and needs a neck, and there is the weakly struck example in California. That's it, and knowing most if not all of the Oregon diggers, there has not even been a shard found. The best bet for any chance of another example would be the construction workers involved in the Portland re development.They may have one in a box in their basements, or shed. They have not come to light as of yet.
ReplyDeleteMiller... I heard a rumor that another Ptlnd digger (MV)found a dark amber example in Vancouver yrs ago that was scratchy and stained. Know anything about that one? I never saw it and said digger has since removed to Colorado.
ReplyDeleteNo, that one escapes me...never heard of that one, but Vancouver has kicked out some HEAVY glass, Wonsers, Bryants dillywhacker, Bowman flask, Peruvian flasks, every Oregon whiskey, so it is not surprising that a MJ came out. I will keep my ear on the rail, and listen...