I hear some of the top cowboys are out of action for this one, maybe we can ride on in there and do some serious 'harse tradin'.
Everyone needs a Teakettle or two... or 27 like Jerry O'Doan pulled out of one hole in 1971. (my greenish one came from Jerry's mega-hole). There used to be a half dozen or more for sale at every Reno bottle show in the '70s and '80s. Where did they all go? One intact aqua one exists, 3 or 4 broken examples have been found. Need a green-o-meter to rate the olive shades. A beautiful bottle, and one of the most popular and most recognizable of all the old western glob fifths.
The month of June saw a few more globs available for purchase on Ebay. Westernglassaddict had a pair of nice fifths listed and they both found new homes. A mint, yellowish amber McKennas(t-168) not much whittle, but with a good, solid strike sold for 1350.00. It was a good price, and a good example. What else am I going to say, as it now is in my collection! Also a good example of a Hotaling-Portland Crown fifth(t-56) sold for a fairly strong 3028.00. It was also in perfect condition, with a strong strike and in a fairly typical medium amber color. BottleVault had several glob fifths that were sold including a passable O.K. Cutter(t-41) that went for an uninspiring 178.00, also a somewhat weakly embossed Circle-Cutter(t-44) brought a fair 153.00. A W.A. Gaines(t-110 ) was sold for the disappointingly low price of 570.00 and change. The buyer was probably happy, but it's sad to see a nice, classic old glob top get such little respect. To be honest, the picts. on 'vaults' items seem to be a bit fuzzy, to me anyway, and that Gaines in particular was hard to get a good idea of the character of the bottle. A couple of those fifths may have done better if he had a bit more clarity in those pictures. I'm not sure of his technique, but leisalu's bottles look so sharp on there that they may just roll off my monitor and into my lap.
Don't know about you, but if I'm buying something on fleabay, I need all the encouragement I can get.... guess that starts with the photos. Sorry, it sounds like I am beating on bottlevault maybe a bit too much. He provides a tremendous amount of inventory for collectors to consider, that takes a lot of time and effort ... and picture posting.
Globtop has been a familiar name on the 'bay the past few years. He has posted some nice pictures as background to some of his listed items. Appears to have built one heck of a collection up there in Alaska. The Spruance,Stanley fifth(t-145) he just sold should have brought more than 160.00. Needed some "extenze for bottles" or something to lengthen the neck on that spud.
Nothing in the way of auctions to speak of. The glob top whiskey world is waiting for the August installment of American Bottle Auctions. The California Clubhouse Pure Bourbon(t-119) is certainly a hot topic right now and probably right up to 'hammer time'. Pro or con, numero uno or not, where ever you weigh in on the Cal-Club it will be an excellent opportunity to view, and even hold, one of the great western fifths at the National Show in Pomona. Should be fun, lots of bottles change hands in room sales. I'll have a spread there, nothing killer, but look forward to seeing everyone.
------- Jno. C. Morrison Jr.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall... Who's the greenest of them all!
A.P. finally shook loose with a couple of pictures of his 'heavily watered' old valley.
Castle sent in the picture of this gorgeous example.....