This the trademark applied for by Hardy and Moorman, where George Parker was made agent for J.H.Cutter whiskey. His signature is seen as the representative of Hardy and Moorman. This is a very early trade mark, No 23, and is dated May 12, 1864, but the application was completed, signed, and witnessed 5 days prior to that. This claim is for casks, corks and packages; there were no embossed bottles known to have been made at this time. The file contained no samples of packaging, labels, etc.

Just a question, as I do not have as in depth knowlege of the Cutter legacy as some. Is this the George Parker that originally owned the Astor House in New York? John Thomas suggested him as a possible tie in to the St.Catherines fifth that comes from the West, and that it MIGHT be the original Cutter container. Just a thought. M.E.
ReplyDeleteAlthough some evidence points to the Parker Bros being former managers of the Astor House prior to their coming to the Bank Exchange in San Francisco, it is highly doubtful that the Astor House bottle had any connection to Cutter Whiskey. This bottle dates too late to have been an early container for Cutter. The first known western embossed Cutter bottle was that of A. P. Hotaling, the so called "Open Face" fifth(T-49) that premiered circa late 1867, and possibly a tad earlier.
ReplyDeleteDo you have the date that Hotaling became sole agent for J.H. Cutter in San Fran? In March of 1881 he states that he has been agent for 15+ years. Parker would have been sole agent for about 2 years if going by that statement. Any background on the switch from Parker to Hotaling? In Thomas' book, he makes it sound like Parker was asleep at the wheel.
The date was 1866, but I'll have to get back into the "diaries" to get more info. No time today, though, I gotta go work on our Sierra cabin. Back tomorrow afternoon.